December 19, 2005

Israelis are willing to divide the city of Jerusalem for peace with the Palestinians

A recent poll taken among Israelis showed that they are deadlocked over withdrawing from some parts of Jerusalem in the future with 49 percent of those polled willing see parts of Jerusalem and 49 percent against giving up any part of their holy city.

Those opposed to such a withdrawal said that it would be a victory for terrorism. Prime Minister Sharon's new political party platform seems to be calling for not only the withdrawal from 90 percent of Judea and Samaria but also concessions to the Palestinian demand that Jerusalem be the capital of a Palestinian state.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The Israeli body politic deadlocked on whether to divide the city of Jerusalem is a precursor to the scenario for Jerusalem in the last days, according to Bible prophecy. Since the Six-Day War in 1967, the leaders of Israel have said that they will never again divide their holy city, the city of Jerusalem. Every prime minister of Israel has said that Jerusalem is the undivided, eternal capital of the Jewish people with no exceptions.

But now, there seems to be one leader, Prime Minister Sharon, who may be willing to cede some portion of Jerusalem to the Palestinians for a capital of their state of Palestine. One of the Prime Minister's confidants in his new political party, Mayor Sharif, has suggested that the Kadima party platform will allow for a divided Jerusalem. With the recent release of a national poll in Israel it is clear that the body politic of the Jewish state of Israel is divided down the middle on whether to give up some portion of their holy city of Jerusalem.

This actually fits the prophetic scenario that can be found in Zechariah 12:2-3. This scenario for the last days, a prophecy that says Jerusalem will be the major controversy during the End Times and a heavy burden for the Jewish people. The prophet Zechariah also said in Zechariah 1:12-16 that the Lord is jealous for Jerusalem and He promises to return to the holy city to build a temple there and dwell among His people forever.

Dividing the city of Jerusalem today, does set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled in a future tomorrow.