A Rasmussen poll reveals that Americans believe Islam is in a global
conflict with the West but most think that the US should ignore the
Islamic world even in light of the decade long war on Islamic terrorism
that the US has been waging.
Americans are split on whether Muslims see the US as an enemy as
revealed by the national telephone survey taken by the Rasmussen Polling
Sixty-three percent of those polled see a conflict between their
civilization and Islam, but the majority nevertheless want to take an
isolationist view of Islam and believe the US should just leave the
Muslim world alone.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The majority of Americans see Islam as a problem in our world, but they
want to stick their heads in the sand and leave the Islamic problem
alone which is actually setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be
It is a dangerous situation to recognize a major problem and then ignore
it altogether, that is actually what the majority of Americans are
doing as they know that Islam is a problem in our world today and they
choose to ignore the problem. A recent Rasmussen poll of Americans
reveals that 63% of the people in the US believe that Islam is a problem
in our world and that Islam is in a major conflict with the nations in
the West and yet Americans want to simply ignore the problem.
Bible prophecy tells us that we cannot ignore this problem. The prophet
Daniel wrote of Syria and Egypt being joined by a coalition of nations
to move forward to destroy the Jewish state of Israel, Daniel 11:40-43.
The ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel gave additional names that will join
this coalition, nations like: Russia, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan,
Pakistan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan, and Libya, Ezekiel 38. Saudi Arabia
and Lebanon are also added to this list by the Psalmist in Psalm 83. The
lowest common denominator with all of these nations with the exception
of Russia, is that they are Islamic nations.
Islamic nations and their religion will indeed play a major role in the last days.