All across the Jewish state of Israel, Israeli's are celebrating their 67th Independence Day. It started out with a major fireworks demonstration last night and will continue throughout the day with family celebrations.
Prime Minister Netanyahu, at the occasion of Independence Day, said that Israel's enemies must know that the Jewish state is here to stay.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The fact that there is a Jewish state in the Middle East today is tangible evidence that Bible prophecy has been fulfilled.
The Lord used two World Wars to set the stage for the fulfillment of the Jews coming back to the land of their forefathers. World War 1 prepared a land for the Jewish people and World War 2 and the Holocaust prepared a people for that land.
God has used and will continue to use human government down through the years even until the return of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, to accomplish His will.
The fact that the Jews would return is written in the Bible by the ancient Jewish prophets many years ago. Deuteronomy 28 foretold the Jews being scattered to the four corners of the earth, which did happen, and for two thousand years they were out of their homeland. Deuteronomy 30 said that God had promised the Jews a piece of real estate that they would have forever.
There are a number of Jewish prophets, who when inspired by the Holy Spirit of God, wrote about the return of the Jewish people to the land of their forefathers. The book of Ezekiel 37:7-11 is the prophecy of the Valley of Dry Bones. The Bible says in verse 7 that the Jews would be gathered from the four corners of the earth; in verse 8 they would be restored as a Jewish state; and verses 9-10 talks about ultimately Jewish people turning to the Messiah Jesus Christ.
In fact, in Ezekiel 34, 18 times the Lord says I will find my people wherever that have been scattered. I will bring them back into the land, I will feed them like a good shepherd feeds his flock and the Messiah will come to rule and reign over my people.
In 1948, the fulfillment of Bible prophecy took place when David Ben Gurion announced to the world that there was a Jewish state among the many other states around the world. Today the 67th Birthday of the Jewish State of Israel is absolute tangible evidence of Bible prophecy being fulfilled.