JD: There’s a conference going on in Moscow with Russia, Turkey and Syria coming together and Iran to discuss peace in Syria but at the same time they take the opportunity to bring Hamas and Fatah. The Russians are telling them hey if you two guys get together you can win this situation with the Israeli’s.
DD: Well Jimmy there’s just no question now that Vladimir Putin is on the march in the Middle East. He’s influencing countries all over the region. I just mentioned Lebanon they’re stepping up their relations there. They have clearly helped the Assad regime to win the war, they haven’t completely won it yet but for the most part they have in Syria. Whereas three years ago Assad was losing and before that the US was saying he was going to be out of power, we’ll make sure of that, well that didn’t happen. Stepping up relations with Iraq who also with Saudi Arabia with the Khashoggi affair having harmed relations with the US he’s stepping into that vacuum.
The Jerusalem report this week said that Russia will be the
dominant power in the region before long and of course that includes Gaza.
They’ve had relations with Hamas and Islamic Jihad for some time now but
they’re stepping that up. So it’s a very very bad situation Jimmy. And you know
the war front heating up in the north and in the Gaza Strip and Hamas will take
aide wherever they can get it. And again we are seeing the old Soviet Union
style intervention in the region returning and that’s obviously not good for
Israel. Netanyahu going to meet with Putin soon and I’m sure he’ll be bringing
all this up and trying to persuade him to tone this thing down. But they’re on
a role Jimmy and it doesn’t look like it's going to turn around anytime
JD: David Dolan with details on how Vladimir Putin is gaining
greater influence in the Middle East almost on a daily bases.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
David Dolan gave us a report on the growing influence and
presence of Russia and President Putin in the Middle East. The old Soviet Union
had a similar impact in the Middle East several decades ago. But today this Russian
presence and influence in this key region of the world is like it has never
been before. In fact, Russia’s power in the state of Syria and Putin’s control of
many of the Middle Eastern players fits the prophetic scenario that is found in
Ezekiel 38. Magog in that passage verse 2, is modern day Russia. The personality
Gog could today refer to Vladimir Putin. Ezekiel’s prophecy could be
fulfilled very soon now.