JD: Mr. Netanyahu had an interesting statement as he addressed the elite troops of the Israeli defense force there in that major military exercise. He said Israel and the Israeli defense force are the best answer to anti-Semitism across the world and of course trying to destroy the Jewish State of Israel the epitome of anti-Semitism.
DD: Well indeed Jimmy and it is. What is the reason that Iran is attacking Israel? What has Israel ever done to Iran? Going back in history there was no conflict between them. It comes from the fundamentalist Islamic beliefs that the Iranian clerical leaders have that there cannot be a Jewish state, Jews cannot rule over Muslims as is stated very clearly in the Quran and yet Israel rules over several million Muslims in its land therefore Israel has to be destroyed. Well this is anti-Semitism at its core.
It goes back to
ancient Persia; wipe all the Jews out it’s not a new thing. Of course repeated
during the Holocaust and here again we see Iran saying we’re going to kill. And
Ayatollah has stated this directly; we’re going to kill more Jews in just
seconds that were killed in all of World War II. Of course they don’t
acknowledge the depth of the Holocaust but never the less that’s quite a
But we don’t know that for sure Jimmy. We don’t know that Pakistan
for instance hasn’t given Iran some nuclear weapons. Anything is possible but
that’s the ultimate anti-Semitism to wipe the Jews off the face of the earth.
But we are united, we have a military and we have an ability to answer
anti-Semitism in a very concrete way now in a very ballistic way if you will
and that of course is the truth. Israel will not be destroyed but they are
facing probably their worst war ever one that will take more civilian casualties
then ever. But to strike Israeli cities and towns as the Iranians have clearly
stated and as Hezbollah has clearly stated and that’s what Israel is preparing
JD: David Dolan with details about the statement made by the
Iranian leaders that Iran will kill more Jews in just a few seconds than were
killed in all of World War II.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
The Iranian threat that Jews must be wiped off the face of
the earth has been echoing down the halls of history since the Psalmist wrote
that statement almost 3,000 years ago. In Psalm 83:4 King David recorded the
thought that the Jews would not be remembered after they had been wiped out and
forgotten forever. The ancient Jewish prophet Isaiah contradicted that thought
when he wrote in Isaiah 66:22 that the name of the Jewish people will remain
before the Lord now into the eternity future and forever.