JD: Why is it that there’s nothing that’s happened over these 24 years? Is it the fault of Israel or does Abbas have some responsibility in that area as well?
IM: When we wrote our book it ended with the following sentence, a peace process has yet to begin; a peace process may never have been intended. The name of the book was Deception and it describes Palestinian Authority activity, statements, and messaging to their people. And that was our conclusion; it may have never been intended because if you want a peace process you don’t teach your children hatred on us on a regular bases.
Every single thing the Palestinian Authority already has
done with their people with their children tells us that this entire peace
process from the first day has been a fraud by the Palestinian Authority. We
named our book Deception because that’s exactly what it is deception. The
Palestinian Authority tells the international community, they tell President
Trump one thing but when you listen to what they’re telling their people; when
you listen to the hatred that they’re giving to their people you know there was
never a peace process intended. That’s a total lie. Everybody knows it’s a
total lie. Why would the Palestinian Authority tell its people just a few weeks
after there have been people being killed all around Jerusalem? Why would they
tell their people Israel’s plan Jews of high places want to destroy? Because
they want hatred, because they don’t want reconciliation. And this is just one
simple example compound that by a thousand of times a year and you know why we
don’t have a peace process. The Palestinian Authority never wanted a peace
JD: Itamar Marcus with his thinking on why there has been no
resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
24 years ago the United States started a peace process to
bring about a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Since that time
no United States President has been able to bring about a peace agreement
between the two parties. Itamar Marcus said that the Palestinian’s don’t want
peace with Israel. They don’t even want a Jewish State only a Palestinian State
called Palestine.
This scenario was written by the ancient Jewish prophets
some 2,500 years ago. Malachi chapter 1 reveals that the Palestinians will
return and they will rebuild. The Lord will call their borders the borders of
wickedness. Ezekiel chapter 35 reveals that once back in the land the Palestinian
people will kill the Jews and steal the Jewish land. These prophecies are now
in the process of being fulfilled therefore, no successful peace process.