JD: How would you lay out a likely general scenario for what the world is rushing towards so quickly with both the false and the true peace that lies ahead?
DJ: Well one of the things that I’ve heard you say so many times is the phrase the next event on God’s prophetic calendar is the rapture of the church. All believers in Christ from the day of Pentecost until that moment those who are dead in Christ will be caught up to meet him in the air. Those of us who may be alive or those who are alive and remain until he comes in the air will be caught up and be taken back to heaven with him as God’s wrath is poured out upon the earth during what is called Daniel’s 70th week.
Before Daniel’s 70th week starts the Roman Empire
will be revived as described in Daniel chapter 2, anti-Christ will rise up out of
that revived Roman Empire to a position of world power. He will make that
treaty to protect Israel from her Islamic enemies and what I will believe will
be the vacuum created by the collapse of Israel’s only protector in the world
and that is the United States. He’ll break that treaty; he will go after the
nation of Israel. God will protect the nation of Israel in Petra.
At the mid
point of the tribulation the Antichrist will go into the rebuilt Temple and
declare himself to be God and will be waging all out war against the
inhabitance of the earth. During that three and a half year period that is left
before Christ returns God will continue to pour out judgments upon the earth.
Christ will touch down on the Mount of Olives as described in Revelation 19 and
Zechariah 14 he will go to the Jezreel Valley and defeat all of the armies of
the world and be ready to set up his kingdom for one thousand years on this
earth. That is what is coming, that is what is ahead, and that’s what people
must be ready for.
JD: David James with Bible in hand has just laid out the end
time scenario that is recorded in God’s prophetic word.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
From the pages of the book of Revelation chapters 4-19 David
James revealed to us God’s plan for the seven year tribulation period. The sixteen
chapters foretell God’s prewritten history for a terrible time of judgment. And
actually this quest for peace here in the world today is setting the time when
the clock will start ticking on that tribulation period, that’s when the
Antichrist confirms a pseudo peace, a pseudo peace treaty today.
Daniel 9:27 says that the Antichrist will do that and when
he confirms that treaty the worlds hunger peace will temporarily be satisfied.
The stage is set in this world right now for this pseudo peace to come on the