JD: In Israel the entire state where the Palestinians have somewhat of a control or at least they’re occupying an area of Israel. They are saying that they want an apology from Great Britain about the Balfour Declaration. What gives them the right to ask for an apology do you think?
DD: They do all sorts of things Jimmy that seem rather silly. I mean again this is a government the Palestinian Authority that still maintains there is no Jewish Temple in Jerusalem in ancient time despite everyday new uncovering’s of ancient stones and the foundations and all of that.
Theresa May made that clear the Britain is not going to
apologize that it is proud for its role there, and had the legal
responsibility. It was the victor after World War I. You and I know there was
no state of Palestine there; there has never been a state of Palestine. It was
under the control of Turkey, the Ottoman Empire for 400 years prior to British
control and Britain legally had that control at the end of the war. That’s how
wars go sometimes. They put forth the Balfour Declaration and helped the state
to be established.
The Prime Minister replied that he was so grateful for
Britain’s role and that this Balfour Declaration was the foundation for the
state. But he also mentioned that it was the Jewish people that actually made
it happen hinting that maybe in the end Britain didn’t really help in the years before the state was actually founded. But yet that was certainly a very
important step in its foundation. They’re not going to apologize to the
Palestinians over that it’s just basically a show.
JD: David Dolan with insight into our headline the Palestinian
demand for Great Britain to apologize for the Balfour Declaration.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Remember the 100 year old Balfour Declaration was that
British document that lead to the establishment of the present day Jewish state
of Israel. This was actually politics setting the stage for Bible prophecy to
be fulfilled.
Political leaders who studied the prophetic passages of
God’s word came to the conclusion that God had a plan for the Jewish people
that would come about in the last days. The Palestinians are also mentioned in
the Bible and they say that the British Empire must apologize for helping the
Jews establish a Jewish State. Prophetically the Jewish state is foretold in Ezekiel
chapter 37.