JD: The start of the school year is happening
across the world and in particular in the Jewish State of Israel, where Prime
Minister Netanyahu is telling the new students as they begin their new school
year to be sure and study the Bible. My broadcast partner, David Dolan,
responds to the exhortation by the Prime Minister and also talks about the
Prime Ministers own individual Bible study.
DD: The Prime Minister holds a private Bible study
every Saturday in his home. I believe he knows God, he trusts God, I don’t know
how fully that is or how deeply that is. That is some of the reason some of the
Israelis who are pretty secular don’t like him. They don’t like him talking in
this way, its too nationalistic and too religious, and its turning off friends
around the world.
You and I know Israel wouldn’t be back without God’s
help, it wouldn’t stay there without God’s help, and it won't remain without
God’s help. But the Bible promises God's help, and we can see so much evidence
that that's already been there.
JD: David Dolan my broadcast partner reporting on
the Prime Minister of Israel and his interest in Bible study. We report this
information because it is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Jews must study Gods Word, the Bible, to understand
God's plan for the Jewish people in the future.
The book of Ezekiel, chapter 37, is the prophecy of
the Valley of Dry bones where the bones come together, the flesh comes on the
bones, and the breath of life is breathed into these flesh covered bones.
Now if you want to understand this apocalyptic
phrase, you go to verse 11. I've gone through verses 7-10, now verse 11
says these bones are the whole house of Israel. When the bones come together,
that is the re-gathering of the Jewish people from across the world. That
flesh on the bones would be the restoration of a Jewish state.
We’ve been watching for over 150 years how, out
of 108 nations of the world, Jews have been making their way back into the
land of their forefathers; and we see, since 1948, there has been a Jewish
state among the nations of the world. You also must be reminded of Ezekiel 34
where the Lord says 18 times, "I will". He begins by saying I will
find my people where ever they have been scattered, I will bring them into the
land of their forefathers and when I bring them into the land I will feed them
like a good shepherd feeds his flock.
When the Lord tells me something one time, I
believe it, when He says it 18 times, we better be paying
attention. These prophecies will indeed be fulfilled and they are
the greatest evidence that we are living in the endtimes because the Jews are
now in the land.
And that is my prophetic prospective on the news