JD: Why did God actually give seven Jewish Feasts to the Jewish people? What was his reason for doing that and the first one of course was Passover?
SH: As our listeners might look eventually in the book of Leviticus, Leviticus 23 they’ll see seven Feasts as you just said. And as they go forward in the scriptures those Feasts tell a story a narrative. It begins of course with redemption and end with Tabernacles. We can see the plan of God for his people through those seven Feasts. We starts off with the Passover it is one day and then there is the Feast of Unleavened Bread which follows immediately after and on that eighth day of course is the First Fruit.
And Jimmy for us as
Christians we see redemption which is when God took the Jewish people out of
Egypt and justified them and set them into what would be the promised land and
sanctified us by setting us apart. So you can see the matzah which is
unleavened so they eat that for a whole period of time. And then First Fruit
is what the Jewish people were to offer to God the first of agriculture. We as
Christians can see the Lord Jesus redeeming us. We can see the fact that when
he did we were separated, sanctified, set apart by God. Then on first fruits we
know the Apostle Paul wrote that Christ was our First Fruit and so we know that
Christ rose from the dead and then that means there’s more to follow. That
means you and I and all the listeners who trust in Christ the Savior. So what a
JD: Steve Herzig the National Director of Friends of Israel with
insight into the seven Jewish Feasts and a special focus on Passover.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
The Jewish Feasts that God gave the Jewish people are
recorded in Leviticus 23. These seven Feasts days were given to the Jews to lay
out God’s plan for the Messiah to be the redeemer for the Jewish people. As we
study Biblical history we see that Jesus was crucified on Passover, he was
buried on Unleavened Bread. Jesus resurrected on the Jewish Feasts day of First
Fruits and the church began on the Feast of Pentecost. By the way when you study
the last three Feasts Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Tabernacles we see that
these Feasts will be fulfilled by Jesus Christ as well. These fall Feasts speak
of the second coming of Jesus and the set up of His kingdom. As prophecy has
been fulfilled in these first four Feasts these last three in the future will
be fulfilled also.