JD: A Palestinian state could be a threat to the security and even the life of many Jewish people should they establish a second state, a Palestinian state.
DD: I think it’s a concern the Israeli’s have had for quite a long time but it’s hard for Americans in general to contemplate such a tiny country as Israel is. It’s smaller than New Jersey, carving the way the land that’s right along beside its capitol. It would be a kin to a state being formed on the eastern suburbs of Washington DC that extends to Maryland. That’s hard some times to convey to Americans that live in such a powerful large continental country. The Israeli’s do feel that their argument is not quite appreciated in Washington but that’s been the case Jimmy for decades.
Again every administration has said we want a peace deal
that involves the Palestinian state being created right next to Israel. Trump
was the first one who hinted at least when asked that question in a press
conference a few months ago said, well whenever the parties decide I’ll go
along with it, if it’s a one state solution that they can work out, fine. So he
expressed more flexibility a two state solution that Israel must allow a
creation of a Palestinian state right on its doorstep, right up the hill from
its main international airport, right next to its main industrial center and
commercial center Tel-Aviv. So far it hasn’t come into existence and as you and
I have discussed I really don’t think it ever will.
JD: David Dolan with information that President Trump needs to
have as he endeavors to bring a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
What President Trump does not understand in the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict is that there has never been a Palestinian state.
The United Nations offered the Palestinians a state back in 1947 however the
Palestinians turned the United States down on the offer. Now the Palestinians
want that state.
Bible prophecy doesn’t say that there will be a Palestinian
state. What it does say there will be a Palestinian people. Malachi chapter 1
talks about the edomites the Palestinian people of today will come back to
rebuild. God says that their borders will be the borders of wickedness. That
prophecy is at the point of being fulfilled today. Ezekiel chapter 35 says that
these Palestinian people will kill the Jews, verse 5 and then steal their land,
verse 10. This prophecy actually has been partially fulfilled. As we hear the
news reports and see the TV news we can recognize how close we are to these
Bible prophecy passages being fulfilled.