Rabbi David Rosen, a leading Jewish thinker, says that the continent of Europe has diversified religiously and is no longer a Christian continent since there are now 13 million Muslims and over one million Jews among the 370 million who tell pollsters that they are Christians, but I must tell you that church attendance is almost nil.
EU institutions avoid God, however in some European member states as well as those nations wanting to join the EU, Christian origins are still politically important.
Some EU leaders voiced concern about the growth of Islam on the European continent and fear the increase of Muslims with the possible entrance of Albania, Kosovo, and Turkey into the membership of the EU.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The subject of religion and its connection to the continent of Europe has a significance in the end times events that are found in Bible prophecy.
A leading rabbinical thinker, David Rosen, says that the continent of Europe has diversified religiously in recent years and is no longer a Christian continent. For hundreds of years, Christianity was headquartered on the European continent and it was the center of missionary activity around the world. With the emergence of the common market in Europe and the ratification of the EU, religion has played less of a role in this part of the world, however the Catholic church has for years worked to make sure that religion played a major role in the EU. Many EU leaders have voiced concerns about the growth of the Muslim population in Europe at this time in history.
This unfolding story echoes what the Bible lays out for the last days scenario on the continent of Europe. Daniel 7:7-24 speaks of the revived Roman Empire that has a major religious element in its makeup. Revelation 13 and 17 both reveal the key role that religion plays in the end times. In fact, in the first 3 1/2 years of the 7 year Tribulation there will be a world religion that will be headquartered in Rome, Italy.
Religion does play a major role in the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.