JD: It’s not a ban but it’s simply a lets put this on hold until we come up with the proper procedure that needs to be followed; is it logical that people would go that way or is this a orchestrated situations that’s happening?
SH: Well I think that a lot of the protest, from everything I’ve seen, a lot of the protest and a lot of the outrage has been orchestrated, meaning that obviously the other side, the liberal side, the democrats knew what President Trump had already indicated during the campaign. That he was going to look at extreme vetting, he was going to look at putting a moratorium on the refugee influx. I’ve been talking to Christians over the last week and a lot of Christians online, who unfortunately they’re very upset about this “Muslim ban”, which we know that’s a false narrative. It’s not a Muslim ban it is specific of being with nation states and could affect anybody coming from those countries, not just Muslims.
Now obviously on the Syrian situation, the data collection
within those nations like Syria, like Iraq are broken because those countries
are in turmoil. We’re talking about a 90-day suspension to be able to have time
for them to review and you’re seeing that when it comes to Islam and when it
comes to the issue of Muslims this seems to be the pet project of the democrats
and of the left.
So I think a lot of the protest have been orchestrated. I
think that they were pre-planned. I personally don’t think you would have seen
all of these “spontaneous protest” outside these airports on Saturday when the
ban went into affect. I think they were preparing and ready to go.
JD: Shahram Hadian with very important details on our top story
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible Prophecy to be fulfilled.
You know the propaganda machine of the left wing politicos
and the media of today have done a disservice to the truth about President
Trump’s Executive Order on a pause in US immigration.
The 7 nations that are included in the pause only amount to
12% of the entire Islamic world. That world of 49 different states around the
world has a population of 1.6 billion people.
Islam the word itself is not mentioned in the Bible.
However, these 49 states that are Islamic and they will be a threat to peace on
this earth, and in particular the Jewish state of Israel. All the nations
mentioned in the prophetic books of Bible Prophecy do include these nations; nations
in our world today. Check the list that can be found in Ezekiel 38, Psalm 83, and
Daniel 11. These are the nations that are ready to attack the Jewish state.
Bible Prophecy will be fulfilled.