JD: David what about the Prime Minister making a visit to Vladimir Putin there in Russia in just a couple of days before the upcoming Israeli elections? Sounds like a very smart political move.
DD: Well it definitely was Jimmy. As I mentioned last week he’s trying to woo some of the Russian-speaking voters in Israel away from Avigdor Lieberman’s Israel Beiteinu party. The polls show that Lieberman will pick up maybe 8 seats and will be the dealmaker in the next coalition. Lieberman calling for a national unity government for the 2 big parties the blue and white and the Likud to join together. But of course the main topic that Putin and Netanyahu discussed was Syria and the Iranian forces in Syria. Reports say that finally Putin pledged to remove all Iranian forces from within about 55 miles of the Israeli border.
As we’ve discussed many times they’ve set up bases right
along the Golan border not very far away to the west and to the north as well.
And the Israeli’s have been of course attacking some of those positions. The
report was that Putin has agreed that he will keep that commitment made 14
months ago in July of 2018 to President Trump in Helsinki where he said that
would occur and it didn’t occur. Now apparently it is. But yes indeed Netanyahu
has real issues to discuss with Russia and Syria was the focus. But it doesn’t hurt
him electrically to be seen cozy with Putin who is a rather popular figure
among most of Israel’s Russian speaking Jews.
JD: David Dolan with the details on the Netanyahu visit to
President Putin in Russia and the potential that this could be the game changer
in the Israeli elections.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
The Israeli elections may well be the key elections in
Israel’s recent history. God has and will continue to use human government to
set the prophetic plan in place that he has for this world. Elected officials
today drive national policy and procedure for the future of all nations. Now
that is very true for the Jewish state of Israel.
Russia is a nation that has a key role in the end times as
it relates to Israel. Ezekiel 38:2 reveals that Russia’s part in that plan as
the leader of an alignment of Islamic nations to destroy the Jewish state will
happen in the near future, that’s found in Ezekiel 38, Daniel 11 and Psalm 83.
Russia’s influence in the Israeli elections may well be setting the stage for
Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.