JD: Is there any Biblical directive to the Jewish people for such an opportunity for the Priest to bless the congregation?
WM: Well Jimmy of course it is quite Biblical in which God himself informs Moses and Aaron that the Priest what we call in Hebrew Kohen are to pronounce a short three sentence blessing upon the people expressing God’s love, his desire to favor them, and his wish that they live in peace. And that is done usually at the time through the Temple service. Now we’re about 2,000 years later we haven’t the Temple anymore and so both actually in Christian and in Jewish forces.
So looking back now we have to sort of free ourselves from
what we know today and realize at the time of the Temple when the three main
pilgrimage festivals took place Passover, The Festivals of Weeks, and the
Festival of Tabernacles not only as many Jewish people would come as possible
but also at that time non-Jewish and it was in the open square of the Temple
Mount that these blessings were said. We keep it today in the Jewish tradition
abroad in the Lands of Hourdley Apsara.
It’s only done on these three
festivals. But of course being that people come as you mentioned both
Christians and of course Jews on the pilgrim festivals the opportunity to sort
of relive this, reenact, reconnect us to what the Temple was and believing in
God in such a sense of a direct message between God through the Kohen and the
people. I mean they’re not preforming anything in this place they’re simply
acting as agents. But to pass on that message to us for those who could read it in
the Bible, lifting up my faith to you I promise you peace. This is a very
powerful, spiritual, ethical, moral, and practical message that all people can
learn from.
JD: Winkie Medad with the details on the giving of the Priestly
Blessings by the Temple Priest to Jews and Christians gathered at the Western
Wall in Jerusalem.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
In the Old Testament in the book of Numbers 6:23-26 the Lord
commands the Priest from the Temple to bless the people. This event recently in
Jerusalem is part of the preparations for the rebuilding of the next Temple on
the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. All other preparations have been made as is
prophesied in the word of God. We today are living in the days of that next