JD: He pronounced to the world that Jerusalem was the political capital of the Jewish people. He seemed to confirm that and talked about the peace process in the Middle East that he believes he has enhanced the peace process by taking Jerusalem off the table.
SR: Yes, well one thing about it I think he knows well that standing with Israel and standing with Jerusalem as the capital is where God stands. He’s said it Vice President Pence has made it very very clear and I think that’s one of the more profound decisions that he’s made because it’s lining up the nations of the world Jimmy in regards to Jerusalem. And to think it’s coming from the President of the United States and this President in particular is a really profound thing that is making changes around the world. And I think it fits right in with what the word of God says.
JD: Yes, that’s interesting, you say right in with what the word of God has to say. I’ve written a commentary on the fact that President’s make political decisions to set prophecy in place. I have a DVD and a CD on that subject done in Washington. Would you agree that the decisions any political leader but in particular Donald Trump makes fit into the prophetic scenario by those decision which is set forth in God’s word?
SR: You know I think at this point he has and I view him as God using him Jimmy as wilding the sword of truth that’s causing people around the world to fall into one or two camps. It’s either a fearing God camp which includes Israel and Jerusalem. It doesn’t mean they’re all believers in that camp. But then the other side are those who are opposed directly to Jesus Christ to God to the principles of God’s word and I see that happening and I think that all has to take place as we approach the time of Christ return.
JD: Sam Rohrer with the details of how President Trump is making political decisions that will set the stage for God’s plan for the future to be played out.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
As it has been in the past some 4,500 years ago political
leaders have and will make political decisions that will set the stage for
Bible prophecy to be fulfilled as it was revealed in the Bible. These
prophecies will be played out today and in the near future.
In Genesis 9:6 the Lord brought on to the world stage human
government. Then in Genesis chapter 10 the Lord created nations to be ruled
over by human government. Revelation 17:17 says that in the future tribulation
period God will put into the hearts of political leaders to make decisions that
will indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.