JD: Syrian military forces along with Hezbollah and Iranian forces are at Israel’s northern border in the Golan Heights. David Dolan, my broadcast partner covering the Middle East gives us more details.
DD: Well Jimmy, indeed this is heated up tremendously, by the way, the Prime Minister mentioned in New York that he himself had ordered the establishment of a field hospital in the Golan Heights to treat wounded people from that war raging just across the border.
Indeed Jimmy, the fighting continues we have ISIS operating
in that area. We have Hezbullah supporting the Syrian Regime, regime operating we
have of course Russia backing that. Horrendous fighting going on further to the North of the Golan Heights just a few hundred miles away in Aleppo where the
regime is trying to take back its authority from the rebel groups there
fighting against it.
And of course the fighting in the Golan Heights spilling
over as it did this week; some artillery shells again landing in Israel. They
don’t believe they were aimed at Israel but that’s how small the region is.
You’ve been up in the Golan; it is a strategic plateau above that Hula Valley
and Tiberius and about a quarter million Israelis live right in the shadow of
the Golan Heights, Jimmy. Even though about forty thousand I think it is now live
up on the Golan. It is a strategic plateau that overlooks the whole of the North,
as you know. Israel cannot allow that to morph into chaos.
They are saying we are watching the situation closely we
don’t want to get involved in the Syrian War. But of course Israeli planes were
again in action during the week hitting some targets in Syria after those
shells came over into the Golan Heights. So we may well see full on military
activity up there but, Jimmy the main question is always will it devolve into
something Russia gets involved with. Will the Israelis find themselves fighting
against Russian forces? That’s the last thing they want to do obviously, but it could
well happen if this morphed into something greater. So we have to watch that
situation very very carefully, but a tense border for sure.
JD: Israel’s northern border is indeed very tense. David Dolan with that report.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The prophecy of Daniel says that Syria will attack Israel.
Daniel 11:40-43 reveals that the king of the North, which is
Syria today, will attack Israel in the last days. They will lead the alignment
of nations who will try to destroy the Jewish state of Israel. Today that stage
is set. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
And that is my prophetic prospective on the news today.