JD: There’s a lot of information out about Vladimir Putin’s decision to get involved in a new arms race with Russia and the United States, the two components in that arms race. I wonder how serious he is and is this a very serious situation since President Trump withdrew from that recent agreement?
KT: Well it is a serious situation and it’s a creditable threat on Putin’s part. Here’s what’s happened is that the United States has announced its intention to withdraw from Intermediate Nuclear Force Agreement in 1987 and that agreement banned a whole class of missiles. We have recently caught in the past couple of years really both Russia and China violating the agreement. The Chinese aren’t parties but have agreed to another missile technology controlled regime that also bans these missiles.
So President Trump said, look there’s no point in us
continuing to adhere to those limits ourselves if the Russians and the Chinese
but especially the Russians have already broken them and developing, building
and deploying those very missiles that were banned by treaty. So Putin is
saying well ok if you withdraw from this treaty that means that you’re going to
build this kind of missile so we’re going to build them too denying of course
that Russia was already building the missiles which we know they are.
So this is a serious development. The Russians already in
2008 and 2009 pledged a 650 billion dollars for strategic weapons modernization
program. So this is part of that program Jimmy. The research and development on
these new missiles by the Russians has already been committed. They have the technology
and I believe they’ve actually started to build these missiles.
JD: Ken Timmerman with details on the potential nuclear arms
race between the United States and Russia.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
The nuclear arms agreement between America and Russia has
been dismantled by President Trump. Russian President Putin warning that Russia
will restart their nuclear arms buildup in the future. The United States is
saying they must respond in time. This world will become very dangerous at
least that’s what could happen between these two world superpowers. However,
remember that America is not mentioned in Bible prophecy and Russia does become
the leader of a Middle East coalition that wants to wipe Israel off the earth.
That prophetic scenario begins after the Rapture of the church, that’s Ezekiel
38:8 & 11. Therefore the Rapture must be close.