At the Chairman's Conference of the International Israel Allies Caucus in Jerusalem recently a group of Christian lawmakers from around the world signed the declaration of solidarity, a vow to stand with the Jewish state of Israel against the nuclear powered Iran.
These Christian lawmakers from states like the US, Canada, South Africa, the EU, and Brazil among said they would put pressure on their respective governments to stop Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon of mass destruction
Almost on a daily basis, the Iranian leaders say they will wipe Israel off the face of the earth and Iran is indeed developing a nuclear weapon of mass destruction in order to carry out their threat.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
In an effort to show solidarity with Israel, a group of Christian lawmakers from around the world recently vowed to stand with the Jewish state as Israel is the target of Iran for complete annihilation which is a page out of Bible prophecy for the last days.
During a recent meeting of Christian lawmakers from around the world held in Jerusalem these political leaders vowed to pressure their respective governments to show solidarity with Israel, a nation under the threat of total annihilation from the Islamic Republic of Iran. Both the Iranian President Ahmadinejad and the supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khomenei have said that their nation will lead the way to wipe Israel off the earth. The International Israel Allies Caucus had a group of political leaders from around the world sign the declaration of solidarity, a sign of support for Israel against the threats from Iran.
This scenario fits into the pages of Bible prophecy for the end times when the ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel foretold of the time in history when Iran, referred to as Persia in Ezekiel 38:5, will help form a coalition of Islamic nations to attack Israel. This show of solidarity by the international lawmakers against Iran will not be the saving force for Israel. Ezekiel prewrote history when he wrote that the Lord will rain hail, fire and brimstone on Israel's enemies when they attack the Jewish state during the first six months of the seven year Tribulation Period, Ezekiel 38:18 - 39:6.
It is a blessing to Israel to receive support from Christian lawmakers from all around the world, but Jesus Christ will take care of the Jewish state.