JD: Very interesting statement coming from Pope Francis, somewhat in the face of UNESCO, because the Pope said God promised the land to the people, the Jewish people of Israel; very interesting in light of what UNESCO has been saying.
DD: Well it was Jimmy, it was very welcomed in Israel but I have to say though it wasn’t a direct statement on the UNESCO vote or what they were discussing, and of course they had a second vote this week, UNESCO did. Again, it contained language that didn’t refer to any Jewish connections to Jerusalem that only spoke of the Temple Mount, using the Arabic name for it, meaning the noble sanctuary. and we have these countries including such likes as Cuba, Kuwait, Tunisia, Turkey and other countries that voted in favor of it. A bunch of countries abstained in the latest resolution and only Tanzania and the Philippines voted against it. Again, its saying that there’s really no connection between the Jewish people and Israel.
The Pope was making a speech on the topic of migration,
especially Muslims coming in to Europe, but during that speech, and some believe
he inserted this line due to the UNESCO vote, he said the people of Israel who
from Egypt where they were enslaved, walked through the desert for 40 years
until they reached the land promised by God. That was seen in Israel as him
saying, hey the Jews were going to their promised land. He didn’t make it in a
sense of a direct comment on the UNESCO vote or anything like that. Still it
was welcomed very much in Israel as I said to, but to have the Pope make
any statement was definitely welcomed in Israel; however, they still feel the Vatican’s
official position on the issue is fuzzy and they would like to see that
JD: David Dolan reporting that the Pope is saying that the land
of Israel belongs to the Jewish people.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Pope Frances is correct the Jews have been given their
eternal homeland.
The land of Israel does belong to the Jewish people, not because
the Pope says so, but because the Bible says so. In the book of Ezekiel 34, 18
times the Lord tells the prophet Ezekiel that He’s going to do certain things.
One of those activities will be that He will gather the Jews from the four
corners of the earth where they have been scattered, He will bring them into
their land, the land of their forefathers and He will feed them like a good shepherd
feeds his flock. If He says something 18 times He does indeed mean it.
And by the way Ezekiel 36:22 records what the Lord had to
say, He said I don’t do this for the Jewish people I do it for my holy names sake because I promised to give them their land and that land will be given to
them forever.