Operation Solomon was a covert Israeli military operation in 1991 that brought thousands of Black Ethiopian Jews to Israel, the land of the forefathers of these oppressed Jews living in a famine stricken Ethiopia.
This amazing airlift that saw 34 aircraft perform a non stop shuttle to bring over 1400 Ethiopian Jews safely to Israel in only 36 hours was prompted by the tragic famine in Ethiopia but also by the highly vulnerable government that then threatened their country with dangerous political destabilization.
Israeli officials have claimed this in-gathering of Ethiopian Jews was only part of the continuing immigration of Jews from many countries around the world, a movement that was foretold in the Bible.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The in-gathering of thousands of Ethiopian Jews to Israel is evidence that Bible prophecy is being fulfilled in our day..
Through two different military operations, the Israeli government transferred thousands of Black Ethiopian Jews to the land of their forefathers, the Jewish state of Israel. Operation Moses in the 80's and Operation Solomon in the 1990's, both covert Israeli operations, saw these oppressed Jews in their native land Ethiopia, brought to safety in their ancestral homeland. The world must take notice of the desire by Jews from every part of the world wanting to return home, but especially these Jews from Ethiopia.
Bible prophecy foretells of a time in history when there will be an in-gathering of Jews from all the nations of the world, Ezekiel 37:7-11. That ancient prophet Ezekiel also wrote that the Lord would bring these Jews to a land that He had promised them, Ezekiel 36. As it relates to the Black Ethiopian Jews, another prophet pre-wrote history telling of a time when Jews from Ethiopia would return to Israel, a very specific prophecy that is found in Zephaniah 3:10.
Ethiopian Jews living in Israel today is evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.