JD: Prime Minister Netanyahu on an historic visit to South America. He goes into Argentina first
Buenos Aires and there he sees a
Palestinian terrorist group demonstrating against the Prime Minister and
depicting him on posters that they are handing out and the newspaper coverage
as well as Adolf Hitler. This is despicable. It does talk about the long arm of
the Palestinians and their efforts to destroy the Jewish State of Israel, doesn’t
DD: Well it does speak to that Jimmy. They really leave no stone
unturned all over the world to oppose Israel and to call for Israel’s
destruction. Argentina Jimmy, well of course this is the country that is a
welcome mat for some of these people to a certain extent. That’s been true to
the very end of World War II when the country acted as a host for many German Nazi
that were fleeing Europe and looking for sanctuary and refuge. And of course we
also have the worst, the highest number of Jews killed in any terror attack
occurred in Argentina of course in Buenos Aires in 1994. Prime Minister Netanyahu brought that attack
up and he reminded the government of Argentina that they need to do more to stir
out such people.
The previous president Jimmy thought to be behind the death
of a prosecutor who was bringing someone who was involved in that attack allegedly
to trial. He was killed the day he was supposed to speak to the parliament
there in Argentina. So, there’s a lot of shenanigans over the years there and
the Palestinians feel it’s a good place for them to demonstrate obviously. But to bring up Hitler there it’s ironic but
there are historic reasons.
JD: David Dolan with the details behind the Palestinian
terrorist propaganda in Argentina.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is making an historic trip
to many countries in South America. This
is the first time an Israeli Prime Minister has made such a trip.
In Buenos Aires Argentina the Prime Minister was confronted by Palestinian as David
Dolan told us by Palestinian terrorist calling the Prime Minister Hitler. This
is disgusting especially in light of the Holocaust and Hitler’s Nazi’s and the
killing of six million Jews. This scenario fits Bible prophecy as it relates to
the Palestinian people. These terrorists want all Jews dead according to
Ezekiel 35 and then they want to steal the Jewish land, which they want for a
Palestinian state called Palestine. Even in Argentina the Palestinians are
pushing their cause against the Jewish people.