JD: For many many weeks we’ve focused on what’s going on there at Israel’s northern border. We’ve talked about the Russian soldiers coming in but now there’s a report that they flew in some 2,000 mercenaries basically out of Argentina South America. These would join with the other mercenaries and that would make 5,000 there at Israel’s northern border. This certainly does sound like the prophetic scenario in God’s word.
KT: And these mercenaries Jimmy are what we would call private military contractors in the United States. They’re employed by a company called Wagner, which doesn’t not exist in Russia it is incorporated apparently in Argentina by a former spetnas as a Russian Special Forces commander. It’s recruits private mercenaries as you mentioned they’re all former Russian Special Forces. Some of them are Moslems and they are being sent on to Israel’s northern border. Some of them dressed in Russian police uniforms; some of them just dressed as power militaries.
But this give the Russian’s a great deal of additional
pressure on Israel. I do not think this is a good thing. I think the Israeli’s are
not very happy about it but there’s nobody at this point stopping the Russians.
JD: Ken Timmerman out of Washington DC with the details on the
Russian military at Israel’s northern border.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
The Russian military at Israel’s northern border is a page
out of Bible prophecy. Ezekiel chapter 38 mentions Magog, which is verse 2 that
happens to be modern day Russia.
In addition to the
Russian soldiers President Putin has hired 5,000 mercenaries to join this
potential war at this location. However, that’s not the end of the list of
other military operations there in the Golan Heights on the Syrian side on the
border. This list of military troops comes directly from the pages of the
writings of the ancient Jewish prophets.
Russia as I mentioned is Magog Ezekiel
38:2, Iran referred to as Persia is Ezekiel 38:5, Hezbollah from southern
Lebanon is the surrogate terrorist organization for Iran there in southern
Lebanon. And by the way Lebanon is the tire mentioned in Psalm 83:7. Let me
give you that list again: Iran, Hezbollah, Lebanon, Syria, and the leader of
this coalition of nations Russia. All of these troops at Israel’s northern
border ready to try and destroy the Jewish state of Israel. The stage is set
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.