JD: Passover is one of those Pilgrim feasts when the Jews were to go to Jerusalem and the Temple to observe that Jewish holiday right?
WM: Absolutely, we have three main pilgrimage holidays. Passover was very unique. Passover was very unique because it had the Passover sacrifice on the morning of the day before the holiday starts. And in fact a few days ago we had an reenactment sort of an exercise of that a full dress rehearsal Jimmy as they call it on Broadway with an author being fashioned, a lamb being slaughtered, the priest dressed up and doing all their parts of the service.
We’ve discussed this many times Jimmy in terms of
consciousness in raising, in terms of educations, in terms of people getting
heightened to eventually do that in real time. It was a Roman who visited
Jerusalem at the time and said he saw thousands of white lambs and goats coming
down the side of Mount Scopus as the pilgrims began to come into this temple in
order to begin the afternoon service of sacrificing the Passover lamb.
JD: And that reenactment of that Passover sacrifice taking place
at the southern end of the Temple there at the steps that would have the Jewish
pilgrims go up through the holy gates and up onto the Temple Mount itself. Some
fifteen hundred, largest crowd to ever go to the reenactment of the Passover
sacrifice. I think this was the seventh one. Those reenactments are to grab the
consciousness of the Jewish people are they not in preparations for the Temple
and wanting to actually do that sacrifice on the Temple Mount itself when the
Temple is standing there?
WM: Absolutely Jimmy I agree with you. You have to get use to
something that you haven’t done in a long time and there are some people who
doubt the need for sacrifices. And hundreds of tourist come to take pictures
and to see what its doing and as a tourist attraction it’s ok but when Jews get
serious about it it seems to be a little awkward for them and that just shows
why we have to raise the consciousness.
JD: Winkie Medad with the details behind the reenactment of the
Passover sacrifice in Jerusalem at the Temple Mount area.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
The first three Jewish Feasts Passover, Unleavened Bread,
and First Fruits were given to the Jewish people, Leviticus chapter 23 as a
prophecy looking to the time of the coming of the Messiah. Jesus Christ
fulfilled these three prophecies. He was crucified on Passover, buried on Unleavened
Bread, and resurrected of First Fruits. Jesus is truly the son of God, the