JD: The Pope says that Jesus is not our hope but Mary and the mother church are our hope.
MG: Well the Catholic Church has always exalted Mary really from the very beginning. In fact in the original English version of the Bible the Douay Rheims the Catholic Church actually said that in Genesis 3 Mary would be the one that would crest the serpent’s head. That error has been replaced now with the truth. But it was going that way for quite some time before the Catholic Church corrected it.
And when we think about it the Devils goal is to keep
peoples eyes off Christ and His word its no wonder that the Catholic Church who
I believe is a pawn of the Devil especially the Papacy. Throughout the
catechism we see Mary as exalted to really a God head. She’s not part of the
trinity yet but the Catholic Church gives her many of the characteristics of
In paragraph 966 she is called the immaculate virgin
preserved from the stain of all original sin and when her earthly life was finished
she was taken up bodily and soul into Heaven. She’s now the queen over all
things. And so Mary’s body which never experienced sin was assumed into Heaven.
In that same paragraph Jimmy it says that in giving birth to Jesus she kept her
virginity and by her prayers she will deliver our souls from death. So again
these are divine attributes. We know that only God can deliver souls from
Paragraph 969 says that when she was taken up to Heaven she did not lay
aside her saving office but by her manifold in her session continues to bring
us the gifts of eternal salvation. But Jimmy you can see that the Catholic
Church is trying to focus the attention off of Christ onto Mary. This is why he is doing what he is doing. He’s made many bazar statements. But this is the reason
for the exultation of Mary.
JD: Mike Gendron explaining the headline that reveals the Pope
and the Catholic Church want to focus more attention on the Virgin Mary and
take away the focus on Jesus Christ.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Mike’s report today comes directly from the statements by
the Pope and the doctrine of the Catholic Church as it relates to salvation for
all today. And because of that we must hear what Peter said in Ax chapter 4. There
in verse 12 Peter the Apostle said that there’s no other name under Heaven
which can give us salvation and that’s the name of Jesus Christ. Please
remember that false doctrine leads to a false church, Revelation chapter 17.
And I do believe we are living in the days of that false church as revealed in
Bible prophecy.