JD: I wanted to discuss what Franklin Graham publicly said and did when he rebuked the South Bend Mayor on Twitter a few weeks ago. Talk to us about what Franklin Graham had to say.
DJ: Franklin Graham’s tweet was specifically in response to Mayor Buttigieg statement in April in which he said the following: “It can be challenging to be a person of faith who is also a part of the LGBTQ community and part of God’s love is experience, God does not have a political party”. And to this Franklin Graham responded in a tweet, “Presidential candidate and South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg is right God doesn’t have a political party but God does have commandments, laws and standards he gives us to live by. God doesn’t change His word is the same yesterday, today and forever.”
JD: David the Mayor previously has challenged Vice President
Mike Pence by arguing God made him the way he is. How do you respond to that particular argument?
DJ: Back in April the Daily Beast carried an article with a headline, Pete
Buttigieg tells Mike Pence it was God who made me gay. And then the author of
the article reported that the Mayor had said the message that being gay is
wrong puts people at war with both their feelings toward themselves and toward
God but if you have a problem with who I am your problem is not with me your
quarrel sir is with my creator.
So my response to this whole issue is that it represents an
unbiblical view of the problem of sin in our lives. People also murder, they
lie, they cheat, they steal and commit adultery but we can’t lay the blame for
sinful behavior at the feet of God. We’re sinners by nature and we’re sinners
by choice. So in other words we sin because we’re sinners and then we also are
sinners because we sin.
JD: David James Bible in hand explaining why Mayor Pete is wrong
for blaming God for making him a gay person.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
As Franklin Graham and Vice President Pence have rebuked
Mayor Pete for saying that God made him gay we also echo the same rebuke. More
importantly the Bible takes the same position. A read of Genesis 19 where God
destroyed a society for the sin of homosexuality and Romans 1 where God rebukes
the sin of homosexuality is Biblical evidence of God’s thoughts on the issue.