JD: Give us a definition, a layman’s
definition, of an EMP.
PP: Well an EMP is basically a super
energetic radio wave, travels at the speed of light. It’s a radio wave that’s
got so much energy in it ,while it will pass harmlessly through people’s bodies
just like a radio wave, it’ll destroy all kinds of electronics, personal
computers, control systems, the electronics in your car, in air planes, power
grids, contract a black out even though it’s a media, affects are harmless to
people. It’s really the worst weapon of mass destruction we face because we’re
an electronic civilization.
JD: One of the reasons that I wanted to
have this conversation is the concern now that the Israeli Defense Force, the
Israeli government under Netanyahu has as it relates to these. You mentioned Russia
there’s a possibility that Israel could be much concerned about the Russian
military but really the main concern, is Iran, number one enemy of Israel, capable
of putting one of these EMP in the skies above Israel?
PP: I think they’re capable of doing
against Israel right now and I think they’re capable of doing it to the United
States right now as well, and I’m not the only one who thinks so. Jim Woolsey whose the
former CIA director under Clinton and Dr. William Graham a number of other
senior scientist experts, we’ve published a couple of articles that haven’t been
paid much attention to by the mainstream media. You know we think there’s
compelling evidence that Iran already has the bomb. And they have had an
extensive missile test program, they’ve orbited satellites including orbiting
satellites just the way North Korea did; so we think they’ve got the capability
right now to threaten Israel and possibly the United States with an EMP attack.
And I believe the administration is either burrying it’s head in the sand to the
facts about the Iranian nuclear program or their deliberately trying to cover
it up so they don’t have to take the political blame for having Iran going
nuclear on their watch.
JD: Peter Pry and expert on EMP’s and
the threat that they are to the United States and Israel.
We report this information because
it is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Iran is a major player in the last
day scenario that results in an attack on Israel.
Israel’s number one enemy today is
Iran. Ezekiel 38:5 mentions Persia and that is the Biblical name for modern day
Iran. Iran will be a key member of the nations who will attempt to attack and
destroy the Jewish state of Israel. Iran, as the experts tells us, have EMP
capabilities ready to attack the Jewish state of Israel.