JD: Now I want to take just a moment at the beginning to help our listeners understand what EMP is all about. Would you define that for us Brannon?
BH: Yes sir. Electromagnetic pulse, and EMP is the best way, you can generate an EMP from the sun. Solar flares can generate EMPs. Our country has experienced EMP phenomenon back in the 1800’s from the sun and it light up some telegraph wires and burned them down across the country. So electromagnetic pulse can occur from the sun it also can also be generated by man and by weapon.
The most concerning would be the ability to launch a missile
with a nuclear weapon on it and detonate up above the United States of America.
They could do this off of a cargo ship, fishing vessel, submarine. And of
course they’re selling the club k cargo cars, ten million dollars you can get one
out of Russia. Exporter of that is one hundred percent Russian owned. The
exporter of the club k car looks just like a cargo container on the back of a
semi truck or a railroad car or a cargo ship, a freight liner with a cargo ship.
And yet from the command of a satellite even the lid will lift up and there are
four silos for four cruse missiles. If one of those cruse missiles or all of
them are equipped with nuclear warheads all they have to do is launch one of
those missiles out of the Gulf of Mexico and launch it up over the US, detonate
it and that would create an electromagnetic pulse.
JD: Brannon Howse with details on how an EMP attack could kill
ninety percent of America’s population within one year.
We report this information because it is setting the stage for
Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Most major nations in this world are preparing to defend
themselves against an EMP attack. However, America has not moved in that
direction. Though EMP’s are not mentioned in Bible prophecy America is not
mentioned in Bible prophecy either. There is a possibility that an EMP attack
may well be the way the United States is eliminated from the world scene at the
beginning of the scenario that is found in Bible prophecy. This is not absolute
but it does sound like a plausible possibility for the reason the United States
is not in Bible prophecy.