JD: Bob I know that you’ve written on the present day cold war that it going on between the United States and Russia and China.
BM: Last year my book Alliance of Evil which talks about the new cold war and I outlined 16 very significant indicators of that which really mimic what we saw during the Cold War that started in the late 1940s and ended in 1991. Things that we are seeing with regard to China and Russia growing an alliance a military alliance as well as an economic alliance is significant. We see espionage, we see trade problems, we see proxy wars the list just goes on. It’s very compelling.
Yes indeed we are in a very different kind of new cold war
that takes us into the domains like cyber world and outer space. The antagonism
and the hatred is growing between the two sides and indeed there are two sides in
the world once again.
JD: This week talks going on between Vladimir Putin of Russia
and Kim Jong Un of the North Korea. What’s you insight on that?
BM: Kim’s father and grandfather were close to the Soviet Union.
In fact they owe a great deal of their stability and of course their nuclear,
biological and chemical munition capabilities to the Soviet Union.
JD: I know that there is a movement by China to try to get into
the Syrian situation and to somewhat partner with Iran.
BM: What the Chinese want to do is go in as much as they have
elsewhere and make these loans that they know full and well that these
countries are going to be hard pressed to pay back. But they do it in terms of
building ports and maybe a 5G internet system and then they hold hostage the governments
that had taken the infrastructure loans and force them to basically bow to
Chinese interest in the region and in the country.
JD: Colonel Bob Maginnis with the details behind the present day
cold war.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.