JD: Well over the past year we’ve examined where the different candidates
stand on various issues. Those issues that we most need to keep in mind as we
go to the polls because of there Biblical significance.
DJ: When you get down to specific
Biblical issues I think you and I have discussed three that we really consider
important and that is the issue of abortion, also where candidates and
platforms are in relation to the nation of Israel, and then the same sex and
homosexual lifestyle issue. So, those are three things I think we can talk to
JD: Well lets first discuss the issue of abortion.
DJ: We read in Genesis 1:27, that God
created man in His own image and God breathed the breath the life and the man
became a living soul at that point. Theologically from that point on we descend
from our parents both body and soul, that means that both theologically and
scientifically a human life comes into existence at conception, to kill an
unborn child is to actually take a human life and one created in the image of
JD: Lets turn to the matter of
policy concerning the nation of Israel, David. From a Biblical prospective how
important is it for a political party to maintain a pro Israel stance in the
party platform?
DJ: Well it’s extremely important, it goes back to the character of God and His faithfulness to His promises. In
Genesis 12, in the Abrahamic Covenant, He told Abraham He’d make him a great
nation, He had blessed him, He said I will bless those who bless you and I will
curse those who curse you. And so, God made promises to Abraham, Isaac, and
Jacob that they would have a piece of land that is much larger than the current
state of Israel, that they would be descendants and they would bless the nations
of the earth.
JD: Well finally on the matters
of same sex marriage, the homosexual lifestyle, can you give a clear Biblical response
to those evangelicals?
DJ: Well it goes back actually to
the image of God and man at the end of Genesis, chapter 2; God said that a man
would leave his mother and cleave unto his wife and two shall become one flesh.
And that is so that the man and woman can most fully represent the image of
God. And then in Romans, Chapter 1, Paul makes it very clear, a nation or even
the entire world is approaching the judgment of God in each stage of history
when there is pervasive homosexual behavior and certainly that’s what we are
facing right now.
JD: David James, my broadcast
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human government in their positions.
The Bible gives us principles
that should direct our votes for all candidates. We must be directed by these principles
as we elect political leaders that will set the stage for Bible prophecy to be