JD: I know in your blog you wrote about putting a synagogue up on the Temple Mount but I understand that the Israelis and the Jordanians held a meeting for the purpose of trying to pull together and work out this conflict that’s taking place on the Temple Mount about a mosque and or a synagogue up on the Temple Mount. What do we know about that meeting?
WM: Well Jimmy we’re waiting actually for the interference to take place from the Hamas who are now trying to shall I say piggy back on what has been broken out here. For over 15 years or so the gate which is know in English I think as the Golden Gate. In Hebrew it’s also called the Gate of Mersey and that’s how it’s been translated into Arabic has been closed because the chambers the wonderful Byzantine structure built before the Arab Muslims had conquered the Temple Mount and Jerusalem of course. They were using it first as a school and then we found out that Hamas was using it for clandestine activities which was defined as terror and it was shut. Maybe even think that they were trying to figure out how could we make a disturbance. They broke the gate and broke open the locks and now they’ve turned it into a mosque. Israel has not been strong enough to deal with it immediately. They’re trying to disturb as much as possible the peace and to make a change in the status quo. So that’s the background for the issue.
As for the synagogue there are several alternatives sites of an out of the way synagogue so that we can begin the process of
co-existence and having 2 religions if not 3 religions having their believers
pray at the Temple Mount, which as you and I know and I think most of the
listening audience has been prophesized that all nations will come to the
Temple Mount and pray. That would be the best way for people to get together
and it might even lead to a break out of peace.
JD: Winkie Medad with all of the details about a synagogue being
put up on the Temple Mount along with the 5 Islamic mosques that are already
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Winkie’s last statement that such a situation might even
break out in peace is not going to happen. The Moslems will never allow for a
permanent Jewish presence today on the Temple Mount. This sacred piece of real
estate will be the center of controversy in the last days, that’s Zechariah
12:2. This verse is talking about making those who are in control of the Temple
Mount seem as if they are intoxicated, intoxicated with power. The Moslems who
have that power today will lead the fight against that synagogue on the Temple