On June 7, 1967, the time of Israel's Six Day War, the Israeli Paratroopers led by General Uzzi Narcus rushed the Lion Gate of the old city of Jerusalem, entered the city, and moved quickly onto the Temple Mount for the first time in almost 2000 years.
At that time, they reunited their capital city with the most sacred piece of real estate in all of Judaism, the Temple Mount. Since 1967, the Muslims have controlled this site that is holy for not only the Muslims, but the Jews and Christians as well and has made Jerusalem's Temple Mount the most controversial site in the world.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
When the Temple Mount in Jerusalem was taken by the IDF during the Six Day War in 1967, history was made and it marked the beginning of the end for God's plan for the Jewish people, that is according to Bible prophecy.
After a 2000 year absence from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the Six Day War in Israel prepared the way for the Jewish people to reclaim this most sacred piece of real estate in Judaism. IDF paratroopers broke through the Lion Gate into the old city of Jerusalem and then onto the Temple Mount and with great emotion they took the holy site which had such great historic significance for the Jewish people.
King David claimed the city of Jerusalem as the political and spiritual capital of the Jewish people as recorded in II Samuel 5-6 some 3000 years ago. Jesus spoke of Jerusalem being trodden down under the control of non-Jews for a 2000 year period, Luke 21:24. Zechariah, the ancient Jewish prophet, said that Jerusalem would be the center of controversy in the last days. God promised Israel's second king, King David, that one of his descendants would build a temple on the Temple Mount and rule and reign on that sacred spot forever, II Samuel 7 and Zechariah 6:12-13.
When the IDF captured the Temple Mount in 1967, it did indeed mark the beginning for the Jewish people on the Temple Mount.