JD: And we’re going to take you to Israel now. We’re going into the center part of the state to a very old Jewish community; great history, great prophetic truth about the location of Shilo and the center part of the state which was the headquarters for the Jewish nation when they first came into the promise land about 35,000 years ago.
And Winkie, the United Nations Security Council said when
they put forth a resolution. They were able to pass the resolution only
because the United States did not veto this resolution against Israel, which
they had done basically over the last 50 years, the United Nations Security
Council voted against the Jewish settlements. If you will Winkie give me your
first impressions of this vote at the United Nations.
WM: Jimmy sometimes a group of people, well dressed, well
educated to a certain extent, people who you would probably look up to as elite
members of their society for many many nations around the world can be so obtuse,
stubborn, and perhaps even a little bit vindictive. If you read through that
resolution 2:3,3:4 it doesn’t make since; it flies on the face of history and
facts. It conflates many issues and puts the burden of the fact there has been hostility
here between Arabs and Jews for maybe almost a century, only on the shoulders of
the Jewish citizens of Israel. And I’m amazed that the Americans let the resolution
go through.
JD: Well, was this a continuation of the bad relationship
between President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu; the vindictiveness coming
from the President especially on the Prime Minister of Israel?
WM: It’s no secret that there’s been bad blood between the two
of them because I think they come from different backgrounds, different experiences,
and of course different ideologies. We’re talking about a President who’s on
the borderline between liberal and progressive. A person who has done American
foreign policy a great amount of damage. You know sometimes you say, well he
had a good idea or something like that but none of the ideas not only did they
not work but they were wrong in every single way possible including Egypt and
the Arab spring and everything and yet he is pursuing through John Kerry, a
very difficult position to defend against Israel, America’s greatest ally if not
in the Middle East, perhaps also maybe the entire world.
JD: Winkie Medad, our broadcast partner reporting from a Jewish
settlement in the center of the Jewish state of Israel.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled. Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.
Remember God gave the land to the Jewish people, that’s Ezekiel, Chapters 34
& 36. And God said He did this not for the Jewish people’s sake but for His
Holy namesake, that’s Ezekiel 36:22.