JD: Why is Iran escalating their conflict with Israel? Is this a pulmonary negotiation ploy as well or are they just wanting to wipe Israel off the face of the earth as their leaders have often said?
KT: Well I think its a bit of both and there’s a third element involved in it as well which doesn’t get talked about quite as much and that is the domestic unrest the on going protest inside Iran. These protest are not going away. There have been hundreds of them now since December and they are roving. They’re going from city to city from town to town. They’re all across the country. The regime doesn’t know how to deal with the demands of the protesters because this is not the liberal Tehran urban alkies. These are actually the supporters of the regime the dispossessed, the poor, the urban poor, the rural poor, the people who are not benefiting from the Revolution as they were promised to benefit.
So the regime has its own supporters protesting against it
and I think this has got them very very worried. So they’re hoping to distract
attention from domestic protest by exacerbating the situation in Syria and
by escalating their threats against the state of Israel. Now that doesn’t mean
they don’t have intentions. We’ve learned this week for example that the
Russians actually shot down three armed Iranian drones that the Iranians were
trying to launch into Israel. The Russians shot them down before they could cross
the border.
Russia is trying to tamp down the tension between Israel and
Iran and it’s letting the Iranians know that even they have a red line. So the
Iranians do have a real desire to attack Israel at some point and probably
sooner than later. But they’re going to find that there are restrictions on
their activities coming from unusual sources including the Russians presence in
JD: Ken Timmerman with the details behind the Iranian escalation
of a conflict with Israel.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
As the conflict brewing between Iran and Israel has been ratcheted up in the last couple of days by the Iranians many in the Middle East
think that it could happen and happen very soon. The conflict could break out
at any moment. Actually this is a page out of Bible prophecy Ezekiel 38:5.
With the situation in the Middle East as it is today the
activities between Israel and Iran with both nations armed militarily ready to
go at each other. The stage is set, all the actors in place, and the curtain
about to go up. It is absolute that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.