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Syndicated columnist and political commentator Charles Krauthammer
appearing on a Fox News program said a possible Israeli strike on Iran's
nuclear facilities is inevitable, adding that the US Secretary of
Defense has stated that an Israeli preemptive strike on Iran is likely
to occur in the coming months.
Krauthammer said Panetta's statement means the Israeli's think that the
moment, the time frame in which Israel can no longer attack Iran
successfully is fast approaching. Krauthammer says Israel must attack
because they can not live under the threat of annihilation. Israel was
founded to prevent a second Holocaust, not to invite another one.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
A preemptive strike on Iran's nuclear facilities by the IDF would only
delay a second Holocaust, not completely stop one, that is according to
Bible prophecy.
America's syndicated columnist and political pundit Charles Krauthammer
says that Israel was established to prevent another Holocaust like the
one that took place during WWII, not to invite another one. Krauthammer
states the obvious when he also said that the Jewish people in Israel
cannot live under the constant threat of annihilation as has been the
case over the last several years. The leadership of Iran, both President
Ahmadinejad and the leader of the Supreme Council, Ayatollah Ali
Khomeini continue to spout radical rhetoric calling for Israel to be
wiped off the earth and her name be forgotten forever.
The Iranians deny that the first Holocaust happened and are calling for a
second one in order to annihilate the Jews and eliminate the state of
Israel. Bible prophecy does foretell that Iran will be a major player in
the alignment of nations who endeavor to try to destroy Israel, Ezekiel
38:5. Israel will try and defend themselves from such a Holocaust, but
will only delay it as the Lord intervenes to stop Iran and the alignment
of nations, Ezekiel 38:18-39:6. However, before the Time of Jacob's
Trouble is come to an end, two out of every three Jews will be killed,
Zechariah 13:8.
This time will be the worst Holocaust ever in history.
Jimmy DeYoung's daily report on current events as they set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.