JD: Tuesday marks the 500th Anniversary of what is considered the birth of the Protestant Reformation.
DJ: Tuesday is October 31st, November 1st on the Roman Catholic Feast calendar is All Saints Day and the 31st is known as All Souls Day or Day of the Dead. We also use the word hallow for holy one. Luther posted his 95 theses on the day before all Hallows Day or all Saints Day, which makes it all Hallows Eve, which is where we get the word Halloween, all Hallows Eve. So, he posted 95 theses on the door of the Wittenberg Castle in Germany. This is seen as sparking the Reformation. It’s known as the birth of the Reformation.
JD: We always here about these 95 theses that Luther posted but
most people probably don’t know exactly what these were.
DJ: These 95 theses or 95 statements that he posted on the door
of the Wittenberg Castle Church one of the things in the Catholic Church is
that there are things called indulgences and these are ways to be forgiven of
sin. And what was happing is the church was selling these indulgences in order
for people to purchase and buy their loved ones out of purgatory. Purgatory is
a place that is supposed to be between heaven and hell where someone goes
before they go to heaven and so he was lashing out against the Catholic Church
and the corruption.
JD: David James revealing the very interesting connection
between the Protestant Reformation and the day of Halloween.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
The Protestant Reformation played a key role of the
Protestant Church in our world. The 500th Anniversary of the Reformation and the day of Halloween with its satanic influence on the day
especially for our children should be a warning for the last days where Jesus
revealed Satan’s active role in stopping the return of Jesus Christ. The Lord
Jesus had to say in Matthew 24 verses 4, 5, 11, and 24 that this would be the
case. The church must separate satanic activity from the trues of God’s word.