JD: The Palestinian people and the media in particular spreading hatred. In other words increasing anti-Semitism among the Palestinian people and actually denying the Holocaust. Is that correct as your reports said?
IM: Not only are they spreading hatred but the principals of the Palestinian Authority hatred as we see it on Palestinian Authority television, official TV, are the same principals that Hitler used in Nazi, Germany to try to generate hatred of the Jews and to drive and get the Nazi to kill the Jews. And just to give you one example just a month ago there was a sermon on official Palestinian Authority Television and the messages by this religious leader on controlled TV, he said that humanity will never be able to live together with the Jews. He said that the Jews have this terrible evil they’re cursed from God. The evil that the Jews have he said is in their genes, it’s passed on from generation to generation. It can’t be fixed and therefore he ends with saying that the end of time will only happen when Muslims exterminate the Jews and then he has a prayer and he says count them and kill them one by one don’t leave even one.
Now if I wouldn’t have told you it was Palestinian you would
have assumed that it was Nazi Germany. Jews are the enemy of humanity, count them
and kill them one by one, don’t leave even one. But it’s not Nazi Germany it’s
Palestinian Authority Television, December 2018 just a month ago on Palestinian
JD: Itamar Marcus with details on a Palestinian leader calling
for the Palestinians to count the Jews and kill them one by one.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
The Palestinian media is being used to motivate the
Palestinian people to kill the Jews. To eliminate all Jews and then the Islamic
end time period will come. That Islamic end of time scenario sounds like what
the ancient Jewish prophets had to say about the end times as well with one
exception, God will not allow for all the Jews to be killed before the end.
Those ancient Jewish prophets did right that the Palestinians, the descendants
of Esau would kill many Jews, Ezekiel 35:5, but not all Jews. Palestinians
killing Jews is an end time scenario but God will intercede to save the Jewish
people because he has an internal plan for these people, which by the way will
be fulfilled.