JD: Gershon talk to me if you will about the Ark of the Covenant.
GS: It was a really exciting major moment in the history of Israel. It was when Rabbi a great man a great person. So, it was one night I got a call in after the middle of the night. Its come quickly we are going to pick up the Ark of the Covenant, your dream is going to become a reality. And I learned quickly to the time the Rabbi cleaned and he discovered a gate that was closed not by the original stones and he opened this gate and discovered a beautiful and exciting tunnel from the second Temple from where the priest use to enter to the Temple directly and by this way to keep the unity and the Bible and other books that the Ark of the Covenant is under the Dome of the Rock. In the end of this tunnel in a secret room and unfortunately again a weakness we missed a great moment in the history of Israel and all the world exactly as it happened in 1967. We missed a great moment I tell you Jimmy you can’t imagine what it could make to Israel to all the world and to the close to the rebuilding of the Temple. And I am sure, I know it Jimmy, time is short and one morning we shall awake and we shall hear the Temple started to be rebuilt and a great era in the life of Israel and all of the nations started.
JD: That is an amazing story from a man who actually went to the
Ark of the Covenant Gershon Solomon.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
As reported by Gershon Solomon he and two other men went to
the Ark of the Covenant. I believe them but more important I believe the Bible.
II Chronicles 35:3 reports where the Ark of the Covenant was placed by King
Josiah some 2,500 years ago. The Bible tells us where the Ark of the Covenant
is today. It’s under the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
Ark is the model of Jesus Christ the Messiah who is coming back to the earth.
However, at the midway of the Tribulation the Ark must be in a sudo Temple for
a sudo Messiah the antichrist on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
Everything is set for that Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.