JD: Itamar, Hamas is 31 years of age and it seems like they’re still going strong. You can look at all of 2018 and Hamas has been a major player.
IM: Hamas has the support of according to the last poll basically the majority of the Palestinian population. They go up and down and switch in popularity with the Palestinian Authority. Right now in the latest poll if there were an election today between the head of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh and Mahmoud Abbas the head of the Palestinian Authority Fatah Ismail Haniyeh would win and they would have a dead heat in the Parliament.
The Palestinian population has no problem supporting an open
terror organization that is announced in the name of Allah and the name of
Islam it feels that it wants to destroy all of Israel and bring about a Genocide
of all Jews and 50% or more of the population support it.
JD: Do they believe they really have a viable chance by using
violence against the Jewish State of Israel to wipe them out of any contention
of controlling that piece of real estate?
IM: They not only think they have a chance they have convinced
themselves that this is what Islam is saying is their destiny. Islam says that according
to the Hamas interpretation of Islam Israel is destined to be destroyed because
it is on Islamic land. All of Israel, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem everything is said to
be Islamic land and therefore they have the obligation to destroy it and it
will be destroyed. They believe that the hour of resurrection its in their
charter. The hour of resurrection will come until Muslims fight the Jews and
kill them meaning exterminate them.
So they believe that Israel is destined to be destroyed,
Jews are destined to be exterminated, it will be done by them it will be done
my Muslims around the world, it’s part of Allah’s plan and they think it’s all
going to happen because it’s pre destined.
JD: Itamar Marcus with an update on Hamas at 31 years of age.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Itamar Marcus and his team Palwatch.org monitor the
Palestinian media and know the truth of what the Palestinians are telling their
people. Having heard Itamar’s report you must realize that Hamas wants to
destroy the Jewish nation and then steal the land that God has given to the
Jews; that was foretold by Ezekiel the prophet, Ezekiel 35.
The Palestinians are returning to the Jewish State, Malachi
chapter 1. And God says that when Jesus comes to the Earth he will destroy the
Palestinian people, that’s Obadiah verse 18. God’s word will be fulfilled.