JD: President Trump after the drone shot down by Iran said that Iran had made a very big mistake. He called for an air strike on Iran and then 10 minutes before it was to take place he called it off. Is this indecision or just wisdom as it relates to this attack on Iran?
KT: I liked his initial comment when he said that Iran had probably made a mistake in shooting down the drone. Leaving the Iranians in ambiguity on how and when we will strike them back for their aggression I think is a good thing. This time I think it was a bit too far and I think the President made it clear that the Iranians will pay a price for this whether it’s an airstrike now or an airstrike later they’ll find out.
JD: Vladimir Putin the President of Russia says that any US attack on Iran would be a catastrophe. Now do you believe that and does that fit in to the eschatology for the Iranian people who say that when a catastrophe takes place that they have sponsored the Mahdi the Islamic Messiah will come forth? What are your thoughts?
KT: Interesting, I think Putin is trying to deter the United States. He does not share their eschatology that’s for sure. And he would like to avoid I think a further entanglement that could lead to a US-Russia confrontation in the Middle East. Putin doesn’t want that. But this is really Putin trying to ward off what he sees as a catastrophe for Russia not for Iran. The Russians have become so deeply allied to Iran that they could be drawn into this final battle. So I think what Putin is actually doing is saying we don’t want any of your end of times battle here.
JD: Ken Timmerman explaining why Russia is saying any US attack on Iran would be a catastrophe.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Ken’s report actually explains why Iran wants to insight war
between the United States and Iran. As Vladimir Putin said an attack by the
United States on Iran would be a catastrophe and that’s exactly what Iran wants
to happen. The Iranian eschatology states that an Iranian provoked catastrophe
will bring to power the Mahdi the Islamic Messiah. That would be to the Mahdi
going to Jerusalem to set up an Islamic caliphate a worldwide Islamic kingdom.
Ezekiel 38:18-39:6 says that the opposite will happen. This coming war would
destroy the Islamic world that’s God’s eschatology.