JD: It seems like this present crisis is presenting a lot of difficult challenges. However, would you not say David, it's also providing some unique opportunities for believers in the future?
DJ: Yeah, I really think you're right Jimmy. You know one of the things that I frequently say to people when unexpected things happen is you know this didn't catch the Lord by surprise. Things often catch me by surprise, I didn't see things coming but the Lord certainly did. And that being the case that leads us with a couple of main questions. That would be what would the Lord have me to learn from this, and then what does He want me to do in the midst of this.
You know among the things we always need to learn about the Lord are He is always in control and that He is loving, gracious, and kind. So we know that we can trust Him in every situation even the most difficult ones meaning that there's no reason to be anxious for anything. We can also spend more time in prayer and make our needs known to Him but we always need to do it with thanksgiving as Paul says in Philippians 4.
Then, concerning what we can do. We can learn to be a blessing to others in some very tangible ways. In our churches for example especially for those who are being effected the most which could include not only the elderly but families with children that can't go to school, those who have jobs in jeopardy and others. And you know a lost world can see that we're truly Christ's disciples by our love for one another. Speaking of the lost world, there are a lot of people out there who are hurting and afraid right now. They don't know what to think about how to handle this situation. We can meet the physical and emotional and spiritual needs of unsaved family, friends, co-workers and neighbors. We can have a genuine ministry in their lives and the results of that can be eternal. We need to keep an eternal prospective in mind.
JD: David James with details on how the church can unite in God's purpose and not be divisive.
We report this information because it is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
My conversation with David James I think was a positive approach on how the church can indeed be united in God's purpose for the church in the midst of this coronavirus crisis. I would also say that everything which is happening in our world today seems to be the stage setting for His plan for the end times. What a time for the Rapture to take place.
Remember II Peter 3:9 Jesus says He will keep His promise of the Rapture but at the same time Jesus is not willing that any should perish but all come to know Him for salvation. Please use this time of crisis and fear to lead people to the Lord for salvation and for comfort and peace.