JD: Why is this such an interesting development today?
DD: Well Jimmy actually the two Congresswomen were invited to participate in that much larger congressional visit where it’s an Israeli foundation that sponsors those trips for new Congressmen and women to come and see Israel and meet with Israeli leaders. They’re also free to meet with Palestinians and many of them do and to see other things as well.
But these two women especially Tlaib who’s grandmother lives
in Samaria they made it clear through their program that they were not going to
see Israel. They said they would meet with no Israeli officials, no opposition
Israeli leaders and wouldn’t go to any Israeli sites. They would just go to
Palestinians sites in Palestine. In fact they said their visit was to Palestine
not to Israel as Prime Minister Netanyahu pointed out. And the Israeli’s have a
law Jimmy that bans anybody that supports or publicly advocates I should say
the boycott disinvestments and sanctions movement against Israel from coming to
the country. It’s against Israeli law to do that. So Prime Minister Netanyahu
was just abiding by what is the Knesset law here.
And Jimmy you know Tlaib statement after she asked Prime
Minister Netanyahu through Interior Minister Aryeh Deri if she could just come
and visit her 90 year old grandmother and she said I wouldn’t do anything else
but visit her. He said come your free to do that and that was Friday morning
and then she tweeted back no under those quote oppressive conditions you’re
putting on me I won’t go. The Interior Minister replied, well this exposed her
true motives provocative request amid at bashing Israel he said. It was a
ridiculous plan they should have gone with the other Congress people that were
there, they would have heard both sides. The government of Israel made up its
mind but again based on Israeli law.
JD: David Dolan with details behind Israel not allowing two
members of the United States Congress to enter the Jewish state.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
In the last days the Jewish state of Israel will be evil
spoken of and in the time of the end the world will want to destroy this chosen
state of the Jewish people. God has a plan for the Jews, II Samuel chapter 7
which is the Davidic Covenant. That plan will be fulfilled or the world could
say that Jesus cannot keep His promises. Jesus can and will keep His promises
especially those that He made in Ezekiel 34 where 18 times He says I will. He
does all that He says He will do because of His holy namesake, that’s Ezekiel
36:22. God’s plan will be fulfilled.