The speaker of the Israeli Knesset, Reuven Rivlin, addressing the world on Israel's 63rd birthday, said that the Jewish state shines proudly in the heart of an oppressive and very cruel Middle East and his nation had faced difificult and painful tests and had passed them all.
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has called Israel an island of progress, an island of freedom, and a very special country because it serves as the home of the Jewish people.
Israel, with a population of around 5.5 million Jewish people, has become a global technological power with an army admired all over the world, an army that has provided protection for its people in a very hostile neighborhood for last 63 years.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Israel, a Jewish nation in the Middle East for 63 years is tangible evidence that Bible prophecy has been and will be fulfilled.
As the Jewish people marked the 63rd anniversary of the establishment of a Jewish state called Israel, the world had to stop and take notice that a people dating back some 4000 years ago are alive and doing very well today. Under threat of annihilation of its nation and its people during the entire 63 years, the Jews have survived war after war and are today a major force in the Middle East:. However, in God's plan for the Jewish people there is a future that is brighter than its history of 63 years for the modern day state of Israel as well as its 4000 years of history of the Jewish people.
God's prophetic Word speaks of a people that would be scattered around the world, Deuteronomy 28:63-64. They would be scattered for 2000 years before they would be regathered back to their homeland, the land of their forefathers. God revealed to the ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel and in fact told him 18 times in Ezekiel 34 that He would find the Jewish people wherever they had been scattered, gather them into their homeland, and take care of them in that land forever. In fact, the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ, will rule over the Jewish people from the land that He has given them and He will do that forever, Daniel 7:13-14.
Israel at 63 is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.