Jews around the world celebrate Purim, the record of God's protection from total destruction by a Persian leader named Haman. This took place 2500 years ago and at the same time, the Jewish state of Israel prepares for an attack from another Persian ruler, the modern day Haman, the president of Iran. The book of Esther, in the Bible, gives the account of how wicked Haman wanted to eliminate all Jews from the face of the earth and how the Jewish Queen Esther had come into the Persian kingdom at the right time and was instrumental in saving her people from total destruction.
The Iranian President is today leader of the nation known as Persia until 1936 and this modern day Haman has on numerous occasions called for the total destruction of the Jewish people a replay of history.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
According to Bible prophecy, the Iranian President, a modern day Haman who was the wicked political leader of Persia 2500 years ago, he will also fail to destroy all of the Jewish people in our world today.
The wicked Persian leader Haman 2500 years ago was set to kill all the Jewish people alive in his day and would have done so had not God used a Jewish queen - Queen Esther - to save her people. The account of this intervention by God to protect his chosen people, the Jewish people, can be found in the Biblical book of Esther. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has compared the present Iranian President to Biblical Haman, as he has continually called for the Jews to be wiped off the earth and their name be forgotten forever.
As one reads the book of Esther you can see the hand of God protecting His people, the Jewish people, from total destruction. According to Bible prophecy, once again the Lord will protect the Jews from total destruction by a Persian leader. Remember, modern day Iran was known as Persia until 1936. Persia, or Iran today, is mentioned in Ezekiel 38:5 as one of the nations that will align with other enemies of Israel and endeavor to destroy the Jewish people in the last days. At that time the Lord will again intervene to protect the Jews and destroy the Persians and their leader whoever it may be.
As Jews celebrate the holy day of Purim, remember Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.