JD: Those rebels, they are being allowed to leave Aleppo as well,
some of them with the fact that they’re going out with the citizens of Syria but
many are saying that they’re headed to the European Union. I mean where are all
these rebels going to go, are they going to go some place else in Syria and
come together? What are your thoughts about this?
KT: Well that’s a very good question, nobody knows for sure. We
do know that there are many thousands of Europeans amongst the
rebels. Many of them, as they get frustrated on the battlefield, will go back to
their homes of origin whether its place like Chechnya, the Republic of Georgia, or
other places in the Russian Federation or whether it’s Italy, Germany, France,
and Great Britain we don’t know. But you’re right there are thousands and
thousands of those fighters who are now going to be disbursed on the
battlefield it’s unclear that they’re going to join the rebel organization
because many of them are from the al-Qaeda affiliate and from
ISIS so all of those groups do not get along.
JD: This civil war just because Assad seems to have been the
victor as it relates to Aleppo after four years. This civil wars not over it’s
going to continue and they may regroup, these rebels, and come at him again
from some other location.
KT: Well that’s right, and again they’ve got Aleppo is now a
strong hold of the government but it is also surrounded on one side by ISIS and
on the other side by the rebels and to the north by the Kurds. They only have a
very narrow card or from the south that connects to other government held
areas. The civil war is far from over.
What I think is going on here Jimmy, is look the Russians in
particular and the Iranians understood they had a window of opportunity until
Donald Trump takes over as president on January 20th, and they
wanted to get the battle of Aleppo behind them as long as Obama was president
because they were confident that president Obama would do nothing, would not
get in their way, would not stop them in any other way, and they were
absolutely correct in that assessment the Obama administration has done nothing.
JD: Ken Timmerman with the details on the Aleppo tragedy. We report
this information because it is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
A focus on Syria is key to your understanding of Bible
Isaiah 17 reveals that Damascus, Syria will be destroyed in
the last days. Daniel 11:40 says Syria, the King of the North in the passage, that Syria will lead the movement of the aligned nations into Israel with an
effort to destroy the Jewish state. To see where we are in Bible prophecy in
God’s timeline for the future we need to watch Syria.