JD: We’re talking about blasphemy. I remember reading in the book of Revelation chapter 13 I believe its verses 1, 5 and 6 that the design of the Antichrist when he comes on the scene is going to be blasphemy as well. The Antichrist is going to blaspheme God in so many different ways. But I have to come back and think for example family television. I see so much blasphemy put forth by the actors, the new movies coming out, the books you read, people talking in the street they’re all blaspheming God. Is this an indicator we’re quickly moving towards that scenario that’s found in God’s word for the last days?
JW: Absolutely and of course Revelation 13:5 says, there was given him the Antichrist a mouth speaking blasphemies and he opened his mouth and blasphemy against God, blasphemies his name and his Tabernacle. We see it now the whole world is gradually becoming what conditioned for this kind of thing the substitute for the glory of God something a mere man is seeing and doing.
JD: We see that the Antichrist is going to blaspheme. I believe as I John says the spirit of Antichrist is already here. Is this not evidence as well? We’re not only talking about world leaders blaspheming God, the Antichrist blaspheming God but even with our lips people today is becoming more and more common to hear the Lords name in vain and that’s blasphemy against God as well is it not?
JW: Absolutely and even born again Christians will give an account to Jesus at the Judgment Throne of Christ, I Corinthians chapter 3, for what they have said, for what they have thought, what they meant by what they said, and what they have done since they were saved. I mean even Christians they’re salvation is not in question but whether they receive an reward or lose one it will be determined by a loving, gracious, wise, holy God at that Judgment Throne of Christ which could begin to happen today.
JD: Dr. John Whitcomb with insight into the end times.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
The wide usage of blasphemous speech is a precursor to the
end times.
As John Whitcomb mentioned just a moment ago the mark of the
coming world ruler the Antichrist will be blasphemy, that’s Revelation chapter
13:1, 5, 6. The common usage of the Lord’s name in vain and other blasphemous
terms among adults and even our children is evidence of how close we may well
be to the end time scenario that is found in Bible prophecy.