JD: Can a Biblical case be made for believers arming themselves and actually using deadly force if necessary?
DJ: Well I think there are a couple of things to consider. One, if you go to Luke chapter 22 we find that Jesus in talking to his disciples about what things are going to be like after he is gone in his absence and he says in verse 36 of Luke 22, but now he who has a money bag let him take it and like wise a nap sack and he who has no sword let him sell his garment and buy one. And they pointed out that they actually had a couple of swords among them. So, we find the disciples themselves were carrying swords and Peter as I mentioned earlier he was carrying a sword as well.
And another thing as far as the going back to Romans 13 the
United States Constitution the Second Amendment provides under right
circumstances that citizens can carry weapons and so they’re actually even
private citizens become an extension under God’s sovereign establishment of
government to carry weapons. So actually private citizens become an extension
of the government.
So, I think there are multiple reasons that we can argue for
this. And I one thing also to remember as far as participating in this remember
this, even Jesus himself when he returns he is going to carry out, he will
command the greatest army and fight and win the fiercest battle that has ever
been fought on this planet against the forces of evil at the end of the tribulation
period. And actually believers of all ages will be joining him with that. It’s
not that we’re looking forward to that in the sense of lithely looking for
battle and to kill people but it is a part of Biblical history that is yet to
be fulfilled.
JD: David James with that Biblical report on Christians arming
themselves for the purpose of protecting themselves.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
With the threat of both domestic and foreign terrorism the
Christian world is thinking through the issue whether they should arm
themselves to protect the people and the church facility unlike that which has
been the case in the past.
David James laid out an excellent explanation of the
Biblical approach to the issue. The last thought that David had about Jesus
leading the battle of Armageddon was very important. This future prophetic
event will bring an end to the satanic power that is in this world, that’s
Revelation 19:11-21. And that then sets up this world for the Lord’s earthly
kingdom to come into place, Revelation 20:4, 5, and 6.