JD: During this Hanukkah season there at the White House they had a Hanukkah party. Hanukkah and Christmas are close together on our calendar each year. Actually Hanukkah beginning on December 22nd going through December 30th, 8 days of Hanukkah and overlapping with Christmas time. We’ll have more on that in this program Prophecy Today when we come closer to that day. But many listeners David may not understand the background for this Jewish Feast. Can you give us a bit more information?
DJ: Well Hanukkah is a winter time Jewish festival that sometimes is called the Feast of Lights because each night there’s a menorah lighting in the home. Now this feast isn’t found in the log Moses but it does come in events found in I and II Maccabees of the Old Testament Apocrypha. Those books were included by the Jews of Alexandria but not the Jews of Israel.
The Hebrew word Hanukkah means dedication and this is the
name of the feast because it celebrates the rededication of the second Jewish
Temple after it was desecrated by the Greeks around 167 BC. And leading up to
this desecration of the Temple a sever persecution of the Jews by the Syrian
Greeks was led by Antiochus the Great and then his son who grew a part of the
Greek empire after the death of Alexander the Great. Now his son took the title
which means to reveal or make manifest. What this meant was that Antiochus IV
saw himself as a manifestation of God.
So in order to establish his dominance over the Jews and
over their God he set up an altered tazeus in the temple and sacrificed the pig
on the alter and thus defiled the Temple. And this led to an uprising by a
small group of freedom fighters led by Judas Maccabaeus who were actually able
to defeat the Greek forces against all odds. And as part of the rededication of
the Temple they had to relight the menorah. But there was only enough pure
oil for one day instead of the eight that they needed to prepare new oil. So
according to tradition the miracle of Hanukkah is that this small amount of oil
did not run out.
JD: David James with details on how the Jewish Holy day Hanukkah
overlaps the Christian Holy day of Christmas and the celebration of the birth
of the Messiah Jesus Christ.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.