The annual report on religious freedom issued by the US State Department has slammed the Israeli government for limiting the rights of Jewish worshipers on the Temple Mount and at the same time giving Muslims complete freedom to worship any way they want on this sacred site.
Israel's official policy is to allow freedom of religion and worship for all, but the Israeli police prevent Jews from praying on Judaism's holiest site, the Temple Mount. The Israeli government has claimed the reason for restricting non-Muslims, i.e. Christians and Jews from praying on the Temple Mount is due to the possibility of an Islamic reaction that could cause a major war.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
An annual report on religious freedom issued by the US State Department slamming the Israeli government for restricting Jews and Christians from praying on the Temple Mount is actually setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
The most recent report on religious freedom around the world issued by the US State Department has slammed the Israeli government for not allowing freedom of religion and worship on the Temple Mount for both Jews and Christians. Israeli policy today is to limit the time that non-Muslims are allowed to even visit the Temple Mount and there is to be no prayer offered on this sacred site by non-Muslims. At the same time, the Israelis allow the Muslim worshipers on the Temple Mount complete freedom. Religious Jews are praying that this state department report will force the Israeli government to relax restrictions for Jewish and Christian worshipers on the Temple Mount.
According to the ancient Jewish prophets there will be total freedom of worship for Jews and Christians on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and possibly in the very near future. Zechariah says that the Messiah, Jesus Christ will return to Jerusalem and build His Temple on the Temple Mount, Zechariah 1:16 and 6:12. Isaiah foretold of a time when all worshipers would go up to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to learn as the Messiah teaches from this sacred site, Isaiah 2:4. Micah, another Jewish prophet said that the word of the Lord will go forth into all the world from the Temple Mount, Micah 4:2.
The future of the Temple Mount is as the ancient Jewish prophets foretell.