According to eyewitness accounts, the Egyptian military forces committed a barbaric massacre against unarmed Coptic Christians using all kinds of weapons including armored vehicles, tanks, and teargas.
In a street demonstration by unarmed Coptic Christians who were protesting in a peaceful manner the burning of one of their churches by Islamic fundamentalists, the scene turned bloody as the Egyptian military, using army armored vehicles, drove into the crowds killing a number of the protesters.
This recent cold blooded attack on Coptic Christians in Egypt is another example of the rise of attacks on Christians throughout the Middle East.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Recent attacks on the Coptic Christian community in Egypt is one example of a trend across the Middle East that is a page out of Bible prophecy.
The world media reported what was termed a cold blooded barbaric massacre against unarmed Coptic Christians who were peacefully protesting against the burning of one of their churches in Aswan in Egypt. These news reports reveal that the Egyptian military, using army armored vehicles, ran at high speed right into the protesters, killing a number of them and injuring hundreds, some very seriously.
There is evidence that Islamic militants were the ones who burned down a Coptic church which was the reason for the street demonstrations. This report is only one of many reports in recent days from across the entire Middle East revealing the increase of attacks on the Middle Eastern Christian community committed by the Islamists. Some say that the Coptics are not true Christians, but the Islamists recognize the Coptics as people of the Bible, Christians and they want them out of the Middle East.
According to the end times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy, barbaric attacks on true believers in Jesus Christ will only intensify into the future. Revelation 6:9 foretells of a time during the seven year Tribulation when these believers will be killed for the Word of God and for their testimony. These believers who will become believers during the time of tribulation will come under pressure to take the mark of the beast as foretold in Revelation 13:16-17. Because they refuse to take the mark, they will be beheaded for their witness for Jesus, Revelation 20:4.
The attack on the Coptic Christians in Egypt is only the tip of the iceberg. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.